Montag, 28. November 2011

starting today

...I will make the bubblegum and cigarette diet.

Of course, this doesnt mean, I will only live on that.
It just means, if I'm not really hungry anyways but still want to munch on something, I will either chew gum or smoke a cigarette.
Normally, I'm not a smoker, but I enjoy a nice cig now and then...

I'm not quite sure how to handle the ciggie thing because my boyfriend will notice and I dont want to hide something from him, but I wouldnt want to lie to him about the reason for smoking. /: we'll see..

well, as for the rest of the diet, I will eat one warm meal everyday and try to stick with 1000cals.
This seems quiet much, but for me, its still a challenge.
So far today (which is only 4 and a half hours) I had a mandarine. I'm already really hungry because I slept from 2pm till 1am, so I didnt have a dinner yesterday.

Right now I'm cooking some spinach-ricotta tortellini for a tortellini salad which will include tomatoes, gherkins, low fat mozzarella and low fat feta and a bit of the secret-special-salad-sauce of my fathers restaurant (: I'm gonna count the cals for that now....
its roughly 1000cals the whole portoin, but of course my portoin isnt that big. I might take the rest with me, when I visit my parents this evening.(:

hope everyone is okay<3


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