Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

Hello Ladies,

I'm sorry that I haven't updated my blog lately and haven't anwered your comments yet. I've read them though!
I'm still on the vegan diet, but exercise didn't work as I wish. I'm so lazy. Please someone come and kick my lazy ass.
Today I visited my mother. She knows that I'm eating vegan for two weeks and she wondered what I eat.
I showed her some of the vegan-food blogs I read and she was really impressed and suprised how 'easy' it can be to eat very diverse and healthy and how you can still enjoy all of your food. She also was very sad when I showed her what happens to all the male chicks which are born in a egg farm [you know what I mean? I even dont know the german word.]. They are thrown in a shredder or gassed. They do it in every farm. No exeptions.
Now she says she want to try to cook vegan dishes too because if she sees what happens to the animals she gets very sad and want to help them somehow. It's great that she cares. Everyone should.
I will drink now some chocolate-soy-milk [tastes better than cocoa] and it's good if you carving for chocolate.

Also I decided to do a 30 Days Song Challenge. I will post the rules in another post. If anyone wishes to do it too, feel free to comment so I can see what you like(:

I hope everyone is okay <3

2 Kommentare:

  1. Chocolate soya milk is amazing. I love soya milk full stop but that's because I'm lactose intolerant so I can't stomach real milk.

    In reply to your huge comment- I stayed at my boyfriend's the night before leaving and he checked the weather then and it predicted 2 light showers so I couldn't go back to mine to get anything for rain. How it lied. And it didn't rain the last time we went so I expected it to be too hot again :( And I don't like SOAD too much whereas I love Alice Cooper, hence I watched him instead. I got to see 30 minutes of SOAD though which was alright because they played a few songs I don't mind.

  2. Camille is doing the 30 day music challenge and she go the idea from your blog and she had a link to your blog and I checked out you blog and followed because I like what I see and I am planning on starting the 30 day music challenge on Thursday. Just thought I would let you know. I really wasn't sure which post to post this on but I picked this one.
