Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 5

Dear ladies,
why do I always post that late at night?
However, this is

day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone 

Of course alot of songs remind me of someone but I think this song is really a soundtrack. It has been a soundtrack for my ex and me, it got our soundtrack in some kind of epic, perfect moment.
After a really bad fight months after we broke up this song made my very sad so I always skipped it when my mp3 player played it but refused to delete it. I was some kind of thing you have to get over after a certain time.
Now, years later my ex and me are somehow friends. We don't see each other because we live in two different cities [not so far away but still] but sometimes we write messages like tonight. Just some random stuff. He is still someone special to me in some ways but it's not that I love/loved him. He was a very bad boyfriend. I'm the typical victim that looks for a arrogant boyfriend who treats her badly and thinks she deserves it. I'm so lucky my boyfriend is such a sweetheart and treats me like a princess.
Well after everything that happened between my ex and me, even though our relationships didn't last more than 4-5 month, we're still connected in a way. I think if you know someone for a few years and alot happens between you, you wont forget that ever.
But I don't want to forget. I learned so much trough this experiences so I'm just grateful.

Oh I'm rambling....
whatevery, have a good night ladies<3

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