Montag, 9. Januar 2012

beginning of a new era

hey ladies,
I'm sorry I've been absent for awhile again.
Tomorrow a whole new life starts.
I'm gonna go to a clinic to cure my insomnia and depression. I was so scared of to go into therapy for too many years and now I'll go and fight and dont hide it anymore.
I still fear the whole thing and talking and everything but it's to late to worry about that, from tomorrow on I'll be there. It's an open clinic, with means I can leave the building in my free time and go home on weekends after two weeks and keep my phone.
I dont know if I'll be able to update from my phone (got a phone with internet connection a few weeks ago) but I will if its possible because I know you girls understand me.
I just sent a message to a few close friends in facebook telling them that I'm going there tomorrow... and it was so hard. I simply couldnt tell anybody because I am weak.

I love all of you and I really hope you're all fine <3

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