Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

so. much. cake!

Hey ladies <3
it's been my fathers birthday yesterday (first of december) and I went there around 3pm and only had a sandwich and a banana. I was already a little hungry since I was awake all night. But there was only goulash as normal food and cakes. So I ate 3 small pieces of cake and felt like I was rolling around but even managed to drink lemon soda afterwards. argfrhfjs why did I do this? I ate too much yesterday and I'm really not happy about that, I didnt binge or anything, just ate too much. So today will be alot better, I will make a tea after I finished this post and try to sleep a little more so I wont start munching something because I'm bored^^

I hope everyone is a step closer to their goals today! (:

love <3

1 Kommentar:

  1. The Bored-Munchies are so hard to fight! Tea is definitely a good idea. :)
