Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011


In the last 24 hours I consumed one tequila-flavored beer, a unsweetened tea, water and 10 almonds.
Since I'm normally really bad at skipping meals in general, its really unusual for me, it hasnt been like this for the last two years or so. Let me explain,
I was out partying and drinking with a friend tuesday night. We got a little drunk and everything was nice, I saw one of my best friends again and I really missed him alot and we're hanging out all night.
I rarely get drunk nowadays, I'm simply not so much into getting destroyed every weekend like I used to. Sounds strange from a 17 year old...
Whatever, I'm not really used to get drunk, or rather my body isnt and so I felt sick on wednesday. I ate one puff pastry roll filled with cheese but after that I felt worse and so I didnt eat untill evening, where I went out with the same friend again to another club but we both stayed sober, she had to drive us home and I couldnt do that to my poor stomach. Except one tequila-flavoured beer for me.
This morning I still had a little stomach ache but I guess I'm hungry. I've eaten 10 almonds since I'm awake for 5 or 6 hours. Thats rather unusual for me. Right now I'm cooking my favfood tomato sauce and I nibbled on a little piece of broccoli but still havent eaten. I will eat some spagetti with my sauce when it's finished, so I'll be able to work later but at work I really need to be strict and dont eat sweets someone gives me or any pizza or whatever. (I'm working at my fathers pizzaria, my uncles always give me food)

Due to technical problems I havent been able to use my new computer by now (not enough power sockets in my room) but I swear I will manage it in the next few days so I can go to blogger and read your blogs and comment and everything I miss to do now.

Hope youre all okay since I checked up on you last week. <3

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