Dienstag, 30. August 2011

whats wrong?

With me?
Because I'm in a new school and I managed to stay at home for at least oneday every week because I cant get up. I don't know why I always mess things up ):

With bloggers?
Because recently 3 girls I follow stopped blogging and deleted their blogs.
Cinnamon Brown, Miss Hilarious and LuftundLiebe, I really liked your blogs and I always follow just the few I like best and now 3 of you have left. ): hope youre all okay, Cinnamon stays healthy and can go to seattle some day, Miss Hilarious I hope you come back because I still dont know what happened and I really hope you're okay and LuftundLiebe please stop this abusive behavior and break up with that horrible guy, you'll be so much more happy, for sure. <3

xoxo Bella

1 Kommentar:

  1. It's always difficult to adjust to new places, and everyone does it at their own pace. I hope you can settle into the new school ok. <3

    .....the boy will probably never be mentioned again. My love life will always be full of fail, I think.

