Montag, 11. April 2011

Day 2 & 3

Hello to all the lovely girls out there(:

I'll just quickly update the last two days.
I somehow managed to drink only one glass of Batida de Coco on Friday so I was under 1000cals which makes me very proud because I thought I would never manage it. (:
So day 2's score is:

Cals 950 - 10 Points
Water 2l - 20 Points
Exercise nothing - 0 Points
Sleep - 9 hours - 20 Points

Total: 50 Points

and day 3's score is:

Cals between 600 and 800 - 10 Points
Water 2l - 20 Points
Exercise nothing - 0 Points
Sleep - 10 hours - 20 Points

same score as day 2 but better than the first day.
I can't go to gym every day so I need to find something I can do at home. Maybe rope skipping but I need to buy a rope first. Do you have some Youtube-Workout-Videos for beginners or something?
Would be really nice of you can post a link under this post(:

Yesterday we had a bbq, my flatmates, our friends and me. That's why I don't know excactly how much cals I had, there have been a few diff salads and I tried them all but I don't know what the dressing of each contained.
I'm really happy because yesterday morning I only weighted 62,9kg [138.5lbs] so I can already see a little diff between my lowest weight the last few weeks and two days after the challenge started. (:

Hopefully you're all successful girls :*

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