Freitag, 8. April 2011

Day 1

Hello Guys,
this is my report of the first day. It went really bad and I'm really angry with myself. Every-f*cking-time I start a day thinking I won't eat much I start eating alot of crap, some of you might call it a binge.
But that Nutella looked sooo delicious.

So of course I didn't do what I planned to do and my score is very low ):

Cals: 1200 ): - 0 Points
Water: 2 1/2l - 20 Points
Exercise: nothing - 0 Points
Sleep: 9 hours - 20 Points

this makes total 40 Points and I'm really diappointed.

Today I'm gonna be busy all day, or so I hope.
I'll have a shower after posting, then go to the city, looking for a few things, then go to musical rehearse and after that back home. I'll take some carotts or cucumber with me if I get hungry. I'll try to eat my first meal then. I guess I'll cook some veggies and maybe a veggie schnitzel filled with cheese, depending on how hungry I am. After that I'm going to a party where they have a bbq but only meat there so I won't eat there. Just drink. Hopefully dancing a few cals off and go to bed and sleep looong.
And I'm taking a 1,5l bottle with me to the city so I can drink it over the day.
I'll try to take my magnesium pills again, I kept forgetting them but they're very healthy(: so I'll try.

I guess I'm now the one with the lowest score, but I still hope that it might get better.
I'll check all of the other challengers blogs later.
I wish you luck and motivation girls ;*

1 Kommentar:

  1. Heey (:
    also erstmal danke für die lieben Kommentare, wirklich Mutmachend.
    Danke auch für die Komplimente. (:
    Auf diese Musik steh ich nicht so, aber trotzdem auch danke für die Vorschläge, ist mal was anderes.
    Einfach danke danke danke (: !
    liebste grüße ♥
