Samstag, 17. September 2011

son of a bitch?

Hey Ladies,
I apologize for the following post, because I'm really really upset and need to get rid of my thoughts.

my son-of-a-bitch-landlord is really annoying and the father of two of my roomates.
Thats why he thinks he could do everything he wants in this house, 'visit' whenever he feels like and everything.
We're not such a tidy community and he complains about that all the time. We made a plan for our housecleaning so we can see who does it and who dont. The slimey-dissembling-son#1 (my boyfriends best friend) always tells him me and my boyfriend would do anything, while he does everything. He really does alot of thing, but we do our stuff too, only his brother (son#2) has no intentions in doing anything, but he moves out in a few moths, so his father doesnt really care.
Now my boyfriend and me didnt write anything on the plan since he has the big bathroom and I have little bathroom and hallway (dont need all over cleaning every 3 days). But slimey-son#1 only needs to take out trashbags and turn on the dishwasher, and everytime he does it, he wrote it down. So this was maybe once or twice a week but still we have fruit flies after a few days because he only takes them out if they're really full. But this is really NO WORK. His brother, son#2, has to sweep the floor and kitchen counter and hasnt done this since weeks before we had the plan.
So if I clean my basin, but the plan didnt contain that kind of work, only 'bathroom cleaned', it looks like I havent done anything. Btw, son#1 who made the plan completely forgot the little bathroom and I had to add it with a pen.
The son-of-a-bitch-landlord says if it doesnt get better we'll have to move out, after one warning. He said my boyfriend and me will get a warning even if he hadnt checked how the bathrooms looked! I fucking hate him!

And I would love to move out of this hut, but theres the next problem: my boyfriend.
he believes its cool in this little village and he wants to live in the same house with his best friend (who never has time for him because everyone is more important) and thinks you could only throw parties in a house like this.
And I cant move out by myself, because I dont have enough money and I really cant live without him... and thats rather sad than romantic.
I dont want to move in with my partents again but I really dont know what to do anymore ):

sorry for this angry-rambling-post,
and btw I managed to go out running two days ago.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sounds like a rough living situation. :( I had trouble like that with my roommates when I was in college, but I don't know how I would have dealt with it if one or more of them were the landlord's sons. I made a list, like you have, and every time one of them did some cleaning, they got a star. When they got ten stars, I gave them a prize. It helped for a while

    I hope the living situation gets better!

